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Monday, June 24, 2019

Strange Cat Behaviors Finally Explained

The Paw Project


The Paw Project’s mission is to educate the public about the painful and crippling effects of feline declawing, to promote animal welfare through the abolition of the practice of declaw surgery, and to rehabilitate cats that have been declawed.
The Paw Project educates the public about why declawing is inhumane. Many people, including animal lovers, do not realize that declawing is a surgical procedure in which the animal’s toes are amputated at the last joint. A portion of the bone, not just the nail, is removed. Declawing may result in permanent lameness, arthritis, and other long-term complications. The practice, although common in the United States, is actually illegal in many countries. Great Britain’s Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons goes so far as to declare declawing “unnecessary mutilation.”
In a misguided attempt to keep big cats such as lions and tigers, as pets, their owners have the animals declawed as cubs, believing that they will be protected against injury. Later, when the cats prove to be poor pets, weighing hundreds of pounds and eating 20 pounds of meat a day, they are often neglected, confiscated by animal regulatory officials, or abandoned. They often end up in animal compounds or sanctuaries.

The Paw Project actively advocates campaigns to legally ban declawing at the community and state level. Some of our legislative milestones:
  • In 2002, Dr. Conrad approached West Hollywood (California) City Council members and convinced them that declawing of all animals should be banned. The council adopted an anti-declawing ordinance soon after (April, 2003) and became the first city in all of North America to ban declawing.
  • In 2003, Dr. Conrad and the Paw Project team provided data about the debilitating effects of declawing to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), which then changed its position on declawing of wild and exotic cats to no longer condone it. The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association quickly followed suit.
  • In 2005, The Paw Project team led the successful campaign to legally ban declawing of wild or exotic cats throughout the entire state of California.
  • In 2006, The Paw Project team was able to convince the USDA, the governing body over animals that are exhibited, bred or sold, to stipulate a regulation in the Federal Animal Welfare Act, prohibiting licensees from declawing or defanging their animals.
  • In 2009, The Paw Project team led the successful campaigns to legally ban declawing of domestic cats in seven more California cities: Los Angeles, San Francisco, Burbank, Santa Monica, Berkeley, Beverly Hills and Culver City.
  • In 2012, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 1229 into law, the first ever state law in the US prohibiting landlords from requiring tenants to declaw or devocalize their animals. Senator Fran Pavley authored the bill, which the Paw Project co-sponsored with HSVMA.
  • In 2014, Rhode Island enacted a new law, similar to the 2012 California law, that prohibits landlords from requiring tenants to declaw or devocalize their animals.


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Jackson is not able to answer specific behavior questions about your pet because he hasn’t met him/her. But you can find all sorts of great information about common behavior issues here.

What the heck is cat mojo and what makes a cat tick?

(Always consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your cat's diet.)
Jackson talks about your cat’s diet
Here’s what Jackson thinks about free-feeding
One-Page Guides from Feline Nutrition Foundation
I need help with managing my cat’s diabetes:
Check out Diabetic Cats In Need (DCIN) 

Best and worst ways to train your cat (Hint: NO squirt gun)  
My cat won’t let me sleep at night! What should I do? 
Get the details on JGP’s Cat Pawsitive initiative

Importance of spay/neuter

First time adoption
Before you get a kitten
Cat-to-dog introductions
Cat-to-cat introductions
Jackson does not support declawing. Jackson supports all of the humane ways you can allow a cat to be a cat without sacrificing his claws.
Learn more about declawing at The Paw Project
Help! My cat is ruining my furniture with his scratching!
Why do I need to trim my cat’s claws?
How do I trim my cat’s claws?

Aggression in cats
Why is my cat randomly attacking me? (Petting-induced aggression)

The importance of playtime for cats
How to properly play with your cat

Are my cats sending messages when they pee outside of the box?
Benefits of natural litter
Picking the right litter
Cat Attract Litter (useful for kittens just learning to use a litter box and for helping adult cats re-learn to use it)

Information about compassion fatigue
Compassion fatigue in animal shelters
Help for compassion fatigue

What is a catio?
Building a catio
I want to watch tons of Jackson videos about cat behavior!
Check out the Cat Mojo Channel

The Jackson Galaxy Project

The Jackson Galaxy Project

Image result for the jackson galaxy project logo


The Jackson Galaxy Project, founded in 2014, is a Signature Program of, a public 501c3 nonprofit organization. The Project is the realization of Jackson’s long-standing dream of improving the lives of animals at risk and helping the people who care for them.
Jackson Galaxy found his way into animal welfare the way that most people do: part chance, part fate, part destiny. During his journey from entry-level shelter worker to America’s Cat Daddy, Jackson questioned, observed and learned. He saw what worked, what wasn't working and created new solutions. He developed a vision to help animals through innovation and collaboration. Today, that vision is becoming a reality through The Jackson Galaxy Project.
The Project:
  • focuses on programs that drive innovation
  • promotes improved shelter design and construction
  • provides “Elevation through Education”: increased knowledge that inspires and empowers staff, rescuers, and adopters to continually raise the bar for  animals at risk
Jackson helps guide the Projects' vision as a member of the Board.

How to Feed Your Adult Cat

Adult Cat Nutrition Basics

How to Feed Your Adult Cat

A while back you brought home an adorable, fluffy kitten that required special food and special treatment to make sure they grew up happy and healthy. Now, you have an adult cat with special nutritional needs for maintenance. Make sure you’re fulfilling your adult cat’s nutritional needs to keep them feeling and looking their best now and for years to come.
Check out these adult cat nutrition facts to learn the best way to nourish your feline friend.

What Should I Feed My Adult Cat?

So your cat is growing out of kittenhood: Their fur is getting sleeker, their balance is getting better and their body is getting bigger. You’re starting to think that it’s time to switch them from kitten food to adult food, but you’re not sure where to start. Talk with your veterinarian about when is the right time to change cat food formulas. Typically, your cat’s doctor will recommend switching your young cat to adult food after they’ve been neutered or once they’re a year old, whichever comes first.
There are an overwhelming number of cat food formulas available, but not all adult cat foods are created equal. When looking at your options, choose a formula that is designed specifically for adult cats. This is because adult cat food formulas contain the proper amount of nutrients and calories your feline friend needs for maintenance. Kitten food, on the other hand, is specifically formulated for growth and play, and is too calorie dense for indoor adult cats.
Look for Protein
Pay close attention to the amount of protein in your cat’s food. Cats are carnivores by nature, and they are capable of subsisting on meat alone. The best cat foods will contain more protein and fewer grains. Often, wet cat foods have a higher concentration of proteins in the formula.
It’s also important to ensure that your cat is getting the correct types of protein. For example, taurine – which is critical for normal vision, normal digestion, normal muscle function, healthy immune system and more – is exclusively found in animal-based proteins, such as chicken and fish.
Consider Dental Health
Dry cat food has a place in your cat’s diet as well. It can help keep your cat’s teeth healthy, as crunchy kitty kibble helps naturally clean their pearly whites as they chew. Cats that eat exclusively raw or wet diets can suffer from dental problems. A balance between the two is the best, either mixed or alternated.
Nourish Their Skin and Coat
Just like humans, what our cats eat affects their skin and coat health. If your cat is battling dry skin or has patchy fur, it could mean they are not getting the right types of fatty acids. Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are essential for maintaining healthy skin and a soft, shiny coat in cats.
Certain cat food ingredients contain higher levels of these omega fatty acids, including salmon and other types of fish. These types of good fats can also be found in both animal-based and plant-based ingredients, although it is recommended to feed your cat as close to 100% animal protein as possible.
Note: A cat’s coat is made up almost entirely of protein. If your cat’s diet doesn’t contain an adequate amount of quality protein, the hair can become weak, dry and brittle and even begin to fall out.

How Much Should I Feed My Cat?

The amount of food that your cat needs depends on their age, size and level of activity. On average, most adult cats require about 2/3 cup of food each day, including wet food and dry food if you mix the two. If you feed your cat twice a day, break the amount into two equal portions.
Some pet owners choose to open-feed their cats, meaning they put out a portion of food and allow their cat to eat whenever they’re hungry. If this is the case, keep in mind the freshness of the food. It is recommended that you not leave out more than three days of food in advance. Keep in mind that you can only open-feed with dry food, as wet food will spoil quickly and should only be left out for around 20 minutes.
Cats are creatures of habit. Establish a feeding routine that fits both of your schedules to ensure optimal happiness and health for your feline friend.
Tip: When cats are sick, often their appetites diminish. It will be easier to observe your cat’s eating habits if you feed them at intervals instead of open-feeding.

Don’t Forget to Hydrate

Cats have a tendency to avoid drinking as much water as they should, as thirst is significantly diminished in cats, meaning they don’t feel thirsty like humans do. To make sure your adult cat is getting enough water, place multiple water bowls around the house. This gives your cat options, and allows them to choose their preferred watering hole. You can also try using a fountain, since some cats might prefer drinking from a moving water source. To find out if your cat prefers to drink moving water, monitor their behavior when you turn on the faucet.
Tip: If your cat’s drinking water has particles and debris, or if the dish has an odor, it might dissuade your cat from drinking. Keep their water dish clean and full at all times to keep them interested.

Preventing Hairballs With a Nutritional, Healthy Diet

Foods to Help Reduce Hairballs in Cats

Preventing Hairballs With a Nutritional, Healthy Diet

All cat owners have experienced their cat coughing up a hairball. The sound of gagging, retching, and hacking is unpleasant at best, but the infrequent hairball is usually not a cause for concern. However, if your cat has more than one or two hairballs each month, consult your veterinarian. He or she might recommend changing your cat’s food to help reduce hairballs.
Here are some facts on hairballs and tips for preventing them.

Why Do Cats Get Hairballs?

Hairballs are a result of your cat’s grooming habit. As they lick their hair, the small, hook-like projections on their tongue pull hair out of their coat, which they subsequently swallow. Most times, the hair is digested and passes easily through the gastrointestinal system. Occasionally, hair gets caught in their digestive tract and forms a ball or tubular-like structure. If the fur ball irritates your cat’s stomach, your cat will vomit to remove it from its system.
While kittens are unlikely to develop hairballs, adult and senior felines with long hair or cats that groom themselves more frequently are more prone to hairballs. It’s important to pay attention to your cat’s habits, as over-grooming can be a sign of irritation from fleas, ticks, mites, anxiety or a skin infection.

When to Be Concerned About Hairballs

Hairballs are one of the top concerns for cat owners. A cat that produces fur balls more than a couple times a month might have an underlying issue with their digestive system. If your cat coughs or attempts to vomit, but doesn’t produce a hairball, you should make an appointment with your veterinarian. Additionally, if you notice that your cat is not eating normally after repeated hairball episodes, it could signal an obstruction or a potentially serious condition.
For healthy cats, brushing can help reduce the amount of hair that is ingested. A special diet can also help decrease the likelihood of hairball formation.

What to Look for in a Nutritional Hairball Cat Food

A specialized cat food with a high-fiber content can help ingested hair pass more easily through the digestive tract. You will want to look for a cat food formula with a fiber system to help promote good digestive health.
Your cat’s diet should also include high-quality, proteins and fats to help boost skin and coat health. This can help reduce excessive shedding and hair ingestion from grooming.
In addition to their diet, cat owners can also give their feline companions flavored oral laxatives or add fiber supplements to their current food to encourage hair to move through the digestive system. Always consult your veterinarian before changing your cat’s formula or adding supplements to their diet.

21 natural home remedies for cats and dogs

From knocking out fleas and ticks to fighting the havoc of hairballs, these simple, all-natural remedies are both planet and pet approve...